Destination Blog

Shakespeare’s Stratford

Stratford-upon-Avon which is the town in the British Midlands about 2 hours drive north west of London, and which is intrinsically linked with William Shakespeare.

Going Underground!

When you come to London jump on the Underground as soon as you can and embrace it as an experience which is just an integral part of your visit to our vibrant capital.


Coming to Ireland always just makes me wonder how I ever managed to survive a lifestlye any different to the laid back, warm & friendly approach they have here.

British Weather

British weather patterns are highly changeable and difficult to predict... that has got to be the biggest understatement ever!!!!!


York is a city which had been considered a capital on numerous occasions and it's golden age seems to have continued even today.

Oban, Mull & Iona

The island is rich in what has become known as 'Iona Stone' or 'Columba's Stone' which is a kind of green/white marble containing a substance called serpentine.

Loch Ness

Loch Ness - how to describe it?... amazing centre of geological research revealing truths about the history of our planet?